Short Story Compilation

Many of you now know that I’m compiling a book of my short stories, and a few new ones to boot.

Now, in all the time I’ve spent looking for publishers, literary agencies, and what have you, I’ve always seen that short story compilations are not accepted, and that only established writers-Stephen King-are asked for a compilation; that’s asked. In other words, no writer submits one as their own idea.

However, recently, I came across an article that states differently.

You can find the whole article here.

Basically it states that publishers do take these chances on unknown authors, and that they do so with a big ole’ smile.

Personally, I don’t think it’s true. I think the article is full of crap, but that doesn’t mean that I’m right.

Regardless of the fact, I’m following through on my compilation, mostly because I don’t have the time to devote to my latest novel and I really want to release something new, plus I have a butt load of stories swirling around my brain.

So I’m wondering if any of you wonderful writers out there have short story compilations, how they were published, how well they do, and if you have any advice to share with the rest of us. In relation to this, I also want readers to share their opinions.

Do you like short story compilations? Why or why not might you buy a compilation and do you buy compilations from unknown authors or just the big guys?